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About Us 

Planet Earth Recycling USA (PER)

Planet Earth Recycling USA (PER) is dedicated to the development and operation of turnkey de-packaging and organic recycling plants.
Planet Earth's business has two components: (1) waste recycling services to commercial and industrial generators of organic waste, and (2) the sale of enhanced-value products derived from organic wastes.

Planet Earth's waste recycling services are based on its unique expertise in (1) organic waste acquisition, (2) organic waste processing, and (3) the design and operation of organic waste de-packaging plants (“Depacks”) and organic recycling facilities.  Since Planet Eclipse commenced operations in Florida, it has established a profitable operation using the first two of these three items of expertise (acquisition and processing).  Planet Earth is now working to bring its depackaging skills to Central Florida.  By 2018, we plan to have expanded from our current, initial operations to a network of more than three depackaging plants around Florida, diverting more than one half million tons of commercial and industrial organic waste annually from landfills through the cost-effective, sustainable treatment of organic waste.  This service generates a significant stream of revenue for Planet Eclipse, one that will continue to grow.  Planet Earth's sale of enhanced-value products will be augmented by the output of its de-packaging operations. 

The outputs of Planet Earth's operations are not wastes to be disposed.  Rather, they are valuable products.  They can be used to generate “soil enhancement” products, generate renewable energy (e.g. natural gas), or both.  Some components produced by the de-packaging operation can be sold on the recycled materials market.  All of these products are revenue streams for Planet Earth.

We strive to be at the forefront of, practical, profitable world class solutions in every aspect of our business, from proven technology and staff expertise to competitive feedstock agreements, and health and safety processes to local community liaison. Success for us lies in delivering an excellent return to our investors while making a positive contribution towards Florida’s waste management and renewable energy strategies - and to future generations.